29 April, 2013

Dude, where's my car?

For once I am not here to let off steam from having to surround myself with idiots.

No I'm here to whine because while my dad was out of town, I got spoiled having a car, driving everywhere, not having to brace the heat while travelling.

Now that he's back I'm back to taking buses and trains and IT SUCKS. Sucks so bad I resort to taking cabs. And cabs are not cheap.

That aside I've been doing a ton of shopping and now I'm just waiting for my stuff to arrive. A lot of the things are ordered in advanced, like books, so I won't get it for months ( boo!) but I have one Julia Quinn book on the way and a new tote bag en route. I LOVE SHOPPING.

That's all for now I guess..


22 April, 2013

Bring Me Back To Life

Ah...It's alive!

I've decided to bring this stupid thing back to life after abandoning it for more than a couple of months. Mostly because the therapist in me realizes I have some unresolved anger issues and I really can't keep taking it out on twitter - cos ya know no one cares.

Plus it's like 2.30 in the morning and I'm supposed to be finishing up my essay but I am more inspired to write here.

Also, I know this a public post. So anyone can come across it but I've reached the point where I don't give a shit. If I can't be honest on the internet then where is there left to be honest?

It been a tough couple of months. This semester has been really hard on me. Despite the brave face I show or the "I've soooooo moved on" attitude I carry I think I can sum up the entire semester so far with two words - sad and angry.

I swear I just alternate between these two emotions. I'm sad for what I've lost, all the happy memories that could have been and then I get angry when I think about how it could have been salvaged and how it wasn't all my fault yet I'm the one who ended up alone. Not really alone, I still have my true people and I love them but it's tough. I miss so many things but then I get angry for missing something that was never good to me. See. alternating emotions.

I just have to survive another 4 more weeks of this horridness. I'm looking forward to the month of June where I don't have to see anyone I don't like. I don't have to get weekly reminders that there's a whole "me against them" vibe. I can just be with the people I love. Namely, me, myself and I.

Tomorrow (not to be confused with later today) I actually am going to be in the position of having to face one of "them" and may be forced into conversation with one of them because someone out there has a cruel sense of humor. No, not fate or god or that crap. My team mate. Who knows damn well there's an issue but doesn't care about me or my feelings. Whaddabitch.

Everyone keeps telling me to be the bigger person, be professional and I want to, I really do but is it so wrong to wanna be petty and mean, even if it's just for 5 minutes. I don't get the same warm feeling from being the bigger person than when I do being petty. If they wanna hate me fine, but at least lemme give them a reason to hate me.

You can't see it but there was a long pause between typing the last paragraph and what I'm about to say. During this pause there was a great amount of deep thinking.

I think I hate them. I've never used the word hate in a long time. The last people I hated were the people who bullied me in secondary school. But I've long forgotten about them now.

But yeah, I really do hate them. One more than the others but it's hate all the same. What kinda friend claims to be your closest friend or your best friend but would never ask for your side of a bad situation? And would immediately stop talking to following said bad situation? Wouldn't at least ask if you're ok or what happened?

I tried being the bigger person and wishing that person a happy birthday but when it came to mine (and I have made extremely clear how important birthdays are to me, if you don't wish me you're dead to me more or less) there was nothing but radio silence.

The other two I can hate openly 'cos I was never that close to them and they publicly thrashed me. But you...no. You deserve the most amount of hate I can muster because people like you are the reason why trust should not be handed out like candy. You are the reason why I am never going back to being the person who's open and vocal with her feelings. Because you, you son of bitch are the worst kind of bastard a person could meet. And I will never forgive you. I may eventually move on but forgiving and forgetting is beyond my capabilities.

23 January, 2013

Scattered thoughts, a midnight ramble

April 10th is a date I countdown to from April 11th onwards. My birthday is something I always, always look forward too and this is the first time I'm not. I don't want it to come.

I just know the minute it hits or like the minute it's April I'll start thinking about last year and how awesome it was to celebrate it with the people I considered some of my closest friends. And now? All but 2 are still my friends. And it's not that I don't appreciate the two... It's just gonna suck knowing in the span of a year so much can change.

I told myself I'd stop dwelling on this issue. What's done is done and I can't change how other people feel. Sure they don't care. They didn't care when the "incident" happened why should they care now right? Why should I waste my precious time thinking about them and the joy they used to bring to myself and the misery they bring now? I damn well should not. I've realized that they can live without me then I can too. Or at least I need to take the steps to start doing so.

I'm not gonna try and gain pity by saying they cut me off cos it's not true. I left because I was being attacked but subtly and not so. I didn't force anyone to come and ask me what happened or to pick sides. I deserve what I get for my actions and my actions allowed me to see who my real friend was. Someone who actually asked my side of the story, who cheers me up when I'm down and who seems to be always there for me.

But I honestly would not know how to act if I end up in the same class as them. There are superbly high chances of that happening next sem. Will I be alone? There's nothing worse than being alone in a room with a group of people who used to be your friends but now ( I'm just guessing) hate your guts or a feeling close to that.

And I get that this is a public blog and that the minute my name is googled it's accessible but I don't have a flying toot who reads this.

22 January, 2013

Hola Holidays!

School break's officially in session and I find myself wondering what the heck I'm going to do to occupy my time. It's too short a period to get a job, plus I do occasionally have to work on my thesis stuff. It's too expensive to travel anywhere except Malaysia but even I don't wanna do that 'cos... well...it's boring over there :S

I finally decided that I am going to invest in the entire Game of Thrones and series and read them all before school re-starts. I currently only own the 2nd one, A Clash of Kings but I want want want so very badly the rest. I was supposed borrow them from someone but that person fell through 'cos he kept forgetting to bring the damn books to school.

But it works out for me 'cos now I get to own the series! Goody, my mother will be happy to hear that I'm buying more books to stuff into my already full cupboards.

You'll be mine soon...My precious..Oops. Wrong series. My bad!

Ok ok. I'm putting the bad jokes away. 
