02 January, 2013

Resolutions & Some Deep Thoughts

Holy crap on a cracker, I'm blogging two days in a row!

Meh, I'm just bored. There're no blogs to read, no movies to watch...

So I was thinking of listing down some realistic resolutions that I could more or less follow through with. I suck at resolutions. In fact I think the whole world suck at them. Every year people make big claims about things they're gonna do or changes they're gonna make but fast forward 365 days and you'll see things are exactly the same.

Oh that reminds me! I saw someone name one of their resolutions as performing more acts of kindness. I had a debate with my mom about weather planning to do something kind means that kind act that they do is true kindness or artificial? I personally think it's artificial. Doing something nice or kind for someone else should be spur of the moment, with the exception of planning to go visit elderly homes or children's homes and stuff like that. No one goes "Today I will help an old man cross the road" and then stand at the sidewalk and wait for an old man who needs help to cross the road right?

[EDIT : A friend just told me true kindness is when you do a good deed without expecting anything in return so I guess planning doesn't really impact the sincerity of the act]

Anyhoo, my realistic resolutions -

1. Explore more genres of books - I have to move away from sci-fi, romance & murders. Maybe some conspiracy or biographies.

2. Save up money for another solo holiday - 2012 ignited my passion to see the world and explore it on my own

3. Keep my room relatively clean? - I did say realistic.

4. Sit for the GREs and apply to US and UK Universities

5. Learn how to paint my nails properly

6.  Don't shop so much, or at least don't shop for expensive things

7. Plump up my resume with jobs and hopefully internships.

That's it! All those look relatively realistic. I hope!

Well that's all folks...for now!


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